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The 2023 edition

Echo Culture Awards Ceremony

On 18 April, in Paris, Chaumet celebrated women who are promoting culture everywhere and awarded the winners of the first edition of the Echo Culture Awards, with members of the jury and friends of the Maison in attendance.

Prize-giving ceremony at the Philanthro-Lab in Paris
This first French edition, chaired by the actress Sandrine Kiberlain, awarded four cultural and artistic projects led by women. Each of them received a sum of money that allowed them to support concrete action to further develop their projects.

Watch the ceremony on YouTube

The Prizewinners

Discover the four winners and their projects out of over 150 applications.

Chaumet Echo Culture Awards Claire Gibault Paris Mozart Orchestra
First Category
Claire Gibault won the first category prize for her project Paris Mozart Orchestra which defends classical music, creation and decompartmentalisation of the arts through ambitious musical programmes.

Based in Bourges and its surrounding region, this association aims to give all audiences access to music through three programmes:

- La Maestra, master classes organised with winners of the International Competition for Women Conductors;
- Orchestre au Bahut project, which allows students to meet, collaborate, create and exchange on an equal footing with professional artists and musicians;
- Solidarity initiatives in prisons, nursing homes and psychiatric hospitals, to improve the well-being of everyone.

Discover the project in video
Chaumet Echo Culture Awards Claire Gibault Paris Mozart Orchestra
Second Category
The La Caravana Obscura project led by Lolita Bourdet won the second category prize. This immersive, educational and mobile facility offers an introduction to photography in a trailer transformed into a film development laboratory.

Discover the project in video
Chaumet Echo Culture Awards Claire Gibault Paris Mozart Orchestra
Third Category
The third category prize was won by Marion Curtillet for Les Jeunes Prodiges, which accompanies young people aged 12 to 16 in their passion for writing, right up to the sale of their books.

Discover the project in video
Chaumet Echo Culture Awards Amandine Nana Transplantation
Jury's Special Encouragement Prize
The jury's Special Encouragement Prize was also awarded to Amandine Nana for the project Transplantation: an artistic library dedicated to diasporic art.

Transplantation aims to be a cultural place of proximity and international influence within a working-class district of Paris, offering a convivial reading space accompanied by an artistic programme geared towards promoting the creative work of young French artists and popular education.

The finalists' projects

The Maison warmly thanks the 151 candidates for their passion and commitment.

Discover the ten finalist projects.


First Category

Programme Impulsion led by Orianne Vilmer

Le Grand bazar des savoirs led by Chloé Tournier

Paris Mozart Orchestra led by Claire Gibault

Transplantation led by Amandine Nana


Second Category

La Caravana Obscura led by Lolita Bourdet

L’Ecole de l’Opéra de la Parole led by Lauréline Kuntz

Moteur ! PACA led by Caroline Sénéclauze


Third Category

Les MMeet ups du MMProjet led by Véronique Royné Sanquer

Les Jeunes Prodiges led by Marion Curtillet

Les Reines ou la Souveraineté retrouvée led by Sandra Reinflet


Watch more on YouTube

    Chaumet Echo Culture Awards
    Chaumet Echo Culture Awards
    Chaumet Echo Culture Awards
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